May 18, 2011

I heart Scriptures!

Last night I was reading the very famous Alma chapter 32, where Alma compares the word unto a seed and we learn that "if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."

A pretty popular chapter in my opinion. I can't tell you how many times I have read it myself or gone to Sunday school where this lesson has been taught. But it seems no matter how well I think I know a chapter, there is always something to learn. 

While I was reading, the chapter felt new to me. Every word had a slightly different meaning, the cross references seemed to focus on different ideas, and I made more connections with other scriptures that I hadn't before.

The chapter had changed meaning for me. How amazing is it that we can open the same book, with the same words and get a different message every single time?! I guess that just goes to show that Heavenly Father does talk to us through the scriptures. What a wonderful blessing it is to have my own copy of the standard works!

Kendra Ann
(Have a Happy Wednesday!)


  1. I love following your blog...! I have to say that I agree with you regarding scripture reading and studying.....It always amazes me how the Lord's Word can involve so much in one scripture, and yet never contradicts itself as a whole.....Keep up the blog, I love it!!
